Ask a literary agent your question about how to get a publishing agent here. You’ll also find answers to questions other authors have posted. This article is part of our free 15-Part Guide About How to Get a Book Agent. It was created by, and is curated by, a former literary agent who’s now helped hundreds of authors get book agents as an author coach and consultant. See successful authors at How I Got My Literary Agent.

ASK A Literary Agent – FAQ
This Ask a Literary Agent FAQ answers questions about: the definition and role of a book agent, who publishing agents are, when you should query literary agents, how much representation costs, the best way to find book agents looking for authors, submissions to literary agents, how to handle an offer for representation, what happens after you get a book agent, and more.

Author Representative definition and role
When you Should Get An Author Representative
How Much An Author Representative Costs
Finding An Author Representative
- How to find a literary agent?
- How to research book agents?
- Who are the best publishing agents?
- Who are the top 10 book agents?
- How to find publishing agents near me?
- Licensed book agents?
- Established publishing agents?
- New book agents?
- Publishing agents to avoid?
- Book agents seeking submissions?
- How to do a publishing agent search?
- Find a list of book agents?
- Publishing agent database?
- Book of literary agents?
- Where to meet publishing agents?
- Book agent events?
- How to Pitch a Literary Agent at a Conference?
Submitting To An Author Representative
- Literary agent submissions?
- How to contact a publishing agent?
- What to submit to a book agent?
- How to write a publishing agent query letter?
- How to write a synopsis for a book agent?
- How to write a publishing agent proposal?
- How to submit a book to a literary agent?
- How many publishing agents should you query?
- Best time to submit to book agents?
- How long to hear back from publishing agents?
- Book agent response time full manuscript?
- What happens when a publishing agent requests your full manuscript?
- Book agent not responding?
- How to follow up with a publishing agent?
- Book agent rejection letters?
- Revise and resubmit to a publishing agent?
Representation Offer From a Book Agent
- Getting an offer of representation from a literary agent?
- First meeting with a book agent?
- Questions a book agent will ask?
- Questions to ask a publishing agent?
- Multiple offers from publishing agents?
- Choosing a book agent?
- Literary agent contract?
- Standard book agent contract?
- Publishing agent contract terms?
- Book agent contract red flags?
- Publishing agent lawyer?
What Happens After You Get An Author Representative
Mark has helped hundreds of authors get offers from literary agents and/or traditional publishers. Writers of all Book Genres have used our Literary Agent Advice coaching/consulting to get Top Literary Agents at the Best Literary Agencies on our List of Book Agents.
Ask a Literary Agent
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I have self published a fiction book. It is available on Amazon and bookstores worldwide.
I would like to know if a literary agent would consider taking on the book as my marketing skills are appalling.
The book is about a retired military dog with PTSD. He reluctantly gets involved in trying to solve a murder for a pack of dubious dogs. However, in order to do this, he must face his greatest fear and overcome the lies and betrayal that have led to his downfall.
It is young adult/adult fiction book. I use dark humour and there are many deep, contemporary issues embedded within the narrative. The book is narrated from the perspective of the dog, Sgt George. There is much conflict and it is not the usual type of dog book.
I am open to changing the title as the word dog is not in it.
Title: Sgt George – The Reluctant Detective
Author: Lee Huggett
Yours sincerely,
Cherry (Lee Huggett)
Hi Cherry,
Since you’re writing fiction, that won’t be a problem with the majority of literary agents.
And here are some things might find these things helpful, if you haven’t seen or used them yet:
How to Get a Literary Agent (NEW 15-Part Guide)
Literary Agent Database (Directory of Literary Agents)
Literary Agent Advice (1-on-1 Coaching/Consulting)
If you want/need help with anything else, you can post here at
I’ll do what I can to point you in the right direction.
All my best,
– Mark
Mark Malatesta
The Bestselling Author
Literary Agent Undercover
Hi Mark, I’m trying to determine if my book is worth submitting to you. I have not scheduled our meeting, but I have paid for it! I’m in the process of filling out the questionnaire.
I did not go to college, so I feel a bit challenged by the process. I’m writing a memoir with some hints of fiction. I have taken several classes from a published author that I respect, but they are too busy now to offer any editing suggestions beyond what we did in class. They helped me write a query letter, but also said I only needed 10 good pages to submit with that.
She told me to just write and not worry so much. She gave me a couple agent suggestions but those may not be current. Any resources you can recommend for a very novice author? I don’t want to end up on the query letter dumpster fire website!
Hi Vonda,
I’ll do everything I can to help you increase your chances of getting a literary agent if you follow through on the call. I’ll be able to tell you a lot more then, about your chances. And if you decide you no longer want to do the call, no problem. I’ll take care of it!
Just let me know,
– Mark
Mark Malatesta
The Bestselling Author
Literary Agent Undercover
Are most agents today just interested in protecting the status quo by publishing works which normalize the new abnormal, i.e., the nazi/marxist rule under the Rothschild Crime Syndicate which now rules the globe?
My recent interactions with the Joy Harris Agency and the Alive Martell Agency would lead me to believe that such individuals are not seeking to publish literature but advance their one party rule propaganda. Yes, this is worthy of a civilization that is now in utter freefall; however, is there anyone who wants to break away fro that pack of Rothschildocrats?
Hi Joe,
There are a lot of literary agents, so there’s room for authors and books of all types.
Query widely, and…
You might find these things helpful also, if you haven’t seen or used them yet:
How to Get a Literary Agent (NEW 15-Part Guide)
Literary Agent Database (Directory of Literary Agents)
Literary Agent Advice (1-on-1 Coaching/Consulting)
If you want/need help with anything else, you can post here at
I’ll do what I can to point you in the right direction.
All my best,
– Mark
Mark Malatesta
The Bestselling Author
Literary Agent Undercover
Dear Mr. Malestra: First and foremost, let me compliment you on your excellent website. It is very well organized and most helpful.
I am a speaker and author of ten books and numerous published articles regarding history, warfare, and spirituality. My books include both fiction and nonfiction. I have completed a novel (six years in the works) that touches upon a great number of genres but is specific to none. I have worked with agents in the past, but they only handle nonfiction, so I am looking for an agent that handles fiction, but my new book seems not to fit into any specific category. It includes sports (baseball) romance, growing up, while at the same time deeply spiritual and somewhat mysterious – as is life. I have queried a few agents, but the response so far has been weak. Any suggestions? Many thanks, Jim Stempel
Hi Jim,
Here are some things you might helpful, if you haven’t seen or used them yet:
How to Get a Literary Agent (NEW 15-Part Guide)
Literary Agent Database (Directory of Literary Agents)
Literary Agent Advice (1-on-1 Coaching/Consulting)
If you want/need help with anything else, you can post here at
I’ll do what I can to point you in the right direction.
All my best,
– Mark
Mark Malatesta
The Bestselling Author
Literary Agent Undercover