Mark Malatesta reviews covering more than two decades can be found here, including Mark’s time as a literary agent and author coach. Mark has helped hundreds of writers (fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books) get a literary agent and/or a traditional publisher through his company Literary Agent Undercover, a division of The Bestselling Author.
Reviews of Mark Malatesta
Mark Malatesta reviews from author coaching and consulting clients, writers conference coordinators, writers conference participants, and authors who’ve benefited from his writer websites and newsletter.
Important! 7/29/24
Someone is impersonating representatives of our company, and we’ve filed a report with the FBI.
This is not a literary agency, so no one here will contact you with an offer to be your agent. This is a coaching/consulting company that’s helped hundreds of authors get offers from literary agents, but we don’t act as literary agents.
Unfortunately, many companies are being impersonated: literary agencies, publishers, and movie companies. Legitimate agents, publishers, and movie companies will never ask you for an upfront fee.
When you get an email from us at The Bestselling Author or Literary Agent Undercover, the email address will end with @thebestsellingauthor.com or @getaliteraryagent.com. Email addresses that end with anything else such as @literaryagentsguild.com or @literaryagents-guild.com are fake.
If you receive an email you believe isn’t legitimate, find the official website of that company online. Send them a copy of the email you received to ask if it’s legitimate. That’s how we found out someone was impersonating us, and we immediately opened a case with the FBI.
If you believe you’ve been approached by someone pretending to be associated with our company, let us know here. And, whether you’ve been approached or not, please don’t let things like this stop you from writing. It’s hard to get a literary agent, but most people in this industry are good people.
How I Got My Book Agent
Successful Authors
Writers Conference Coordinators – Mark Malatesta Reviews
Mark Malatesta reviews from writers conference coordinators from some of the events where he has appeared as a speaker: keynotes, seminars, workshops, panels.
“While reviewing our conference evaluation forms, your name came up quite a few times as one of the most helpful agents ever met, and – now, don’t let this go to your head! – a human being agent.”
Lisa Mason, Coordinator, Surrey Writers’ Conference
“You were absolutely crackerjack… straightforward, professional, positive, energetic, knowledgeable, honest, bright, encouraging, quick-witted… and I didn’t see a single hole in your presentation. All-in-all, you are a conference organizer’s dream.”
Chris Rodgers, Writers’ Conference Coordinator
“You were one of our most popular speakers… my only regret is that we didn’t find a longer time slot for you.”
Virginia Blanchard, President, Space Coast Writers’ Guild
“Our heartfelt thanks for your twinkling eyes, warming smile, and fabulous talk to the group. Thank you too for all those one-on-ones and for feeling so at home with our family… Your vision, passion, and compassion should take your agenting as far as you dream for it to go.”
Gail Provost Stockwell, Coordinator, WRW Writers’ Conference
Author Coaching and/or Literary Agent Clients – Mark Malatesta Reviews
Reviews of Mark Malatesta from authors he’s worked with either as an author coach or as a literary agent. Mark has helped authors of fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books get offers from literary agents and/or traditional book publishers such as Penguin Books, Ballantine, and Harcourt.
Mark helped me get five different offers for representation from top literary agents. I signed with Stephanie Tade who got me a 6-figure book deal with Penguin Books, which published my book in hardcover! When Stephanie first contacted me, she said, “I can’t get your book proposal out of my head. It’s brilliant – I mean, really, it’s fantastic.
A M Y . J O . G O D D A R D
Woman on Fire (Penguin Books)
Ballantine Books published my first two novels in hardcover and paperback after Mark Malatesta helped create an auction and bidding war for my books, resulting in a six-figure offer. Mark is one of the rare and genuine good guys, but he also has incredible information (even his ideas have ideas).
J I M . B R O W N
24/7 and Black Valley (Random House/Ballantine)
I’d known that I wanted to be an author since I was young, but I’d had a lot of setback in my life. I was starting to think I might be one of those people who have a big dream and never get it. I’ve always, always been grateful.
C A R O L . P L U M . U C C I
Award-winning author of The Body of Christopher Creed and many other novels for young adults (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) with film rights optioned to Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks
My agent asked to read my manuscript 40 minutes after I queried him, in my first round of queries. Incredible. I’m really excited to be at this stage, the beginning of absolute Nirvana.
D Y L A N . J O N E S
#1 Amazon bestselling author of multiple books with 75K copies each sold of his first two books, one nominated for the Not the Booker prize by The Guardian newspaper
Thank you for your support during the nail-biting experience of getting an agent. Before I worked with you, I sent out many queries but didn’t get offers. I appreciate you pushing me.
N H I . A R O N H E I M
Soles of a Survivor, published by Skyhorse Publishing, distributed by Simon & Schuster. and the publisher of 52 New York Times bestsellers, named by Publishers Weekly as the fastest-growing small publisher in America
My agent got multiple publishers interested, and I just signed a two-book deal with Seventh Street Books, an imprint of Prometheus Books. Life could not be better. Thank you for everything. We have come a long way, my friend.
B R A D . H A R P E R
A Knife in the Fog and Queen’s Gambit, published by Prometheus Books/Seventh Street Books, an imprint of Globe Pequot, the trade division of Rowman & Littlefield
Writers Conference Attendees – Mark Malatesta Reviews
Mark Malatesta reviews from writers conference attendees and participants from the 100+ events where Mark has appeared as a speaker: keynotes, seminars, workshops, panels.
“It’s nice to cross paths with an agent who actually has the time and inclination to chat…not everyone has the patience and energy to smile for three days straight while under constant assault.”
“I enjoyed having lunch with you and your two foster sons on Saturday at the Space Coast Authors Conference in Melbourne. You certainly made a good impression, both personally and professionally.”
“Your presentation affected me the way a sub-par round of golf might affect a 25 handicap golfer; it gave me hope! Thank you for your humor, honesty, and passion; and for conveying to the flocks that courage is at the core of success. I wish you and your partners enormous success.”
“You are truly inspiring! This has been the best session of the conference for me. I don’t know how a session could be any better. You are awesome!”
“I had the pleasure of listening to your talk at the SCWG conference. I was one of those old ladies out there hanging on your every word.”
“I had the pleasure of attending your lecture…was surprised to hear a talk from an agent that presented useful information that was well prepared. Your straightforward approach to the business is refreshing and your honest description of your methodology was sobering, but important to new writers.”
“You are a very gentle human being, in other words, superb, and it’s a great inspiration to know that there is somebody out there in the publishing world that is willing to celebrate the beauty of things, in whatever way there is to celebrate.”
“Thank you for taking the time with me on the phone. I incorporated your suggestions into my letter. I especially want you to know that what you said at the writers’ conference in Gainesville made it possible for me to see myself as a writer. Apparently, when I took myself seriously I was taken seriously by a publisher. I have now stopped calling my book my dumb little dog book.”
“Your presentation was excellent…and thanks for your ‘approachability.’ It’s a ray of encouragement in an otherwise intimidating process.”
“It was truly refreshing to meet you and your warm, gentle wife. You have given me a glimmer of hope that there are agents out there that can be trusted.”
“You have successfully integrated ministry, agenting, and motivational speaking. It was intimate and delightful. This is definitely your calling.”
“You made the other agents on the agent panel seem picky and uncooperative in comparison. You’d better watch out, you might give agents a good name.”
More Author Coaching Clients – Mark Malatesta Reviews
Mark Malatesta reviews from both new and established writers published with prominent publishers including Chronicle Books, Penguin, and McGraw Hill. These reviews of Mark Malatesta are from authors of fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books.
Writing and trying to get published is difficult and emotional. Thank you, Mark, for being one of the important people in my life who helped me get here.
D E R I C K . W I L D E R
Author of The Longest Letsgoboy, Does a Bulldozer Have a Butt?, and I Made Those Ants Some Underpants (Chronicle Books, publisher of many award-winning and bestselling books including New York Times bestsellers)
Following the advice of publishing industry experts like Mark is important. He helped me get a top literary agent and now my novel is being published by Penguin Books and their prestigious Michael Joseph imprint, which is “principally interested in publishing Top Ten Bestsellers.” It’s hard not to be excited.
J A N E . J A G O
The Wrong Hand (Penguin/Michael Joseph)
Finding Mark has been both a treat and a treasure. I’ve served as Creative Director of the TIME Incorporated Magazine Group, Founding Director of TIME-Life Films, and more. You just can’t do it alone today as an author.
N A T H A N I E L . L A N D E
Author of a dozen fiction and nonfiction books including Dispatches from the Front (Henry Holt and Oxford University Press), The 10 Best of Everything (National Geographic), and more
There’s a bit of a myth amongst writers that you shouldn’t need any training. You should just be able to write and sell well, off the top of your head. It’s convenient and simpler to think that way, but it’s also shortsighted and inaccurate.
M A R T I N . C O H E N
Author of many books including Philosophy for Dummies, The Doomsday Machine, I Think Therefore I Eat, 101 Philosophy Problems, and 101 Ethical Dilemmas, which has sold 250,000+ copies
Jeff Herman offered me representation! I was wondering if I was just an amateur who needed to forget my belief that my story might be shared in our divisive world. I’m so grateful you held my hand. It’s been an amazing process, and it’s been an honor getting to know you. Thank you and thank you!!
S O O . P E E R
The Essential Diversity Mindset (Red Wheel/Weiser), foreword by Clarence Page, Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist and senior member of the Chicago Tribune editorial board
Not long after Mark helped me land a top literary agent, I got a call letting me know I had three different publishing offers from well-known publishers: Amacom, Palgrave Macmillan, and McGraw-Hill who recently published my book in hardcover! It was a fantastic feeling and a huge smile came over my face. For a moment I felt like life was perfect and the angels were singing.
D A V I D . H A M M E
Customer Focused Process Innovation (McGraw Hill)
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