Literary Agent undercover

Literary Agent Undercover offers 1-on-1 author coaching and consulting to help writers of all book genres get a literary agent. The company, which is a subsidiary of The Bestselling Author, was founded by Former Literary Agent Mark Malatesta, and has helped more than three hundred authors get offers from literary agents and/or traditional book publishers.
About Literary Agent Undercover
Established in 2011, Literary Agent Undercover is based on the premise that it’s better for authors to get paid to publish instead of paying to publish. Founded by former literary agent Mark Malatesta, Literary Agent Undercover is the premier author coaching and consulting company, having helping hundreds of authors get book agents and/or book deals with traditional publishers.
Publishing houses Literary Agent Undercover founder Mark Malatesta has helped his clients get book deals with include Adams Media, Amacom, Andrews-McMeel, Ballantine, Barron’s, Berkley Books, Chronicle Books, Diversion Books, Entrepreneur, Familius, Gallery Books, Harcourt, Harper Collins, Hachette, Hyperion, Kane Miller, Llewellyn, McGraw-Hill, Penguin, Philomel, Prentice-Hall, Prometheus Books, Random House, Red Wheel/Weiser, Regnery Publishing, Routledge, Rowman & Littlefield, Scholastic, Simon & Schuster, Skyhorse, Square One Publishers, St. Martin’s Press, St. Martin’s, Thomas Nelson, and Workman.
How Literary AGent Undercover Is Different
Literary Agent Undercover was founded by a former literary agent who’s also served as the Marketing & Licensing Manager of a well-known publisher, and he’s a writer himself. In other words, at Literary Agent Undercover we understand every part of the publishing process, and we enjoy supporting writers through the process of turning their publishing dreams into reality.
Other author coaching and consulting providers don’t have the same experience, across all aspects of the publishing industry. They also don’t specialize in helping authors get literary agents. Some individuals and companies, such as freelance book editors and some book agents, provide information and coaching to help authors get literary agency representation. However, it’s usually a “side hustle” or extra thing they do, rather than the thing they do, the thing they do best, evidenced by many hundreds of success stories.
At Literary Agent Undercover, we take a comprehensive approach to the process of getting a literary agent. If you schedule a Literary Agent Advice session, you’ll get a detailed author questionnaire so we can learn as much as possible about you and your book. That way we can see how to turn your unique problems into opportunities. The questionnaire also includes placeholders so you can provide any/all of the following (though these items aren’t required): query letter, book synopsis, book proposal, and sample manuscript pages or chapters.
Prior to your author coaching/consulting call, we will review your material, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions during your session. It is difficult to get a book agent and book deal, especially if you want to get a top book agent and book deal. That’s why we help authors leave no stone unturned. If your writing, pitch materials, and platform are the best they can be, you can have no regrets, knowing you’re giving yourself the best chance of getting a book agent.
How I Got My Book Agent
Successful Authors

Literary Agent Undercover Reviews
These reviews about Literary Agent Undercover are from authors of all genres: fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books. Authors who’ve participated in author coaching and consulting with The Bestselling Author have gotten six-figure book deals, been on the New York Times bestseller list, had their work published with major publishers, and had their books adapted for TV, stage, and feature film.
After you helped me get an agent with Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, they got me a contract with Skyhorse Publishing. I can’t stress enough, honestly, how working with you was 100% the only reason this happened.
J E R I . A N N E . A G E E
The Life and Times of Birdie Mae Hayes published by Skyhorse, named the fastest-growing small publisher in America by Publishers Weekly with 52 New York Times bestsellers
My agent said, “Bravo for putting such a thorough proposal together. It may be the most carefully crafted one I’ve ever received!” I was fortunate to get four offers from top literary agents. You’re very savvy, competent, and knowledgeable.
R O G E R . W A L S H
Essential Spirituality (Wiley), The World of Shamanism (Llewellyn), and The World’s Great Wisdom (State University of New York Press)
For a long time I had the vision that my book would be published, but it wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t invested in myself. Before I met Mark, I sent out queries with no requests for more material. I didn’t know what I was doing—it was like shooting darts in the air.
L I B B Y . K I S Z N E R
Dear Libby: An Advice Columnist Answers the Top Questions About Friendship, published by Familius, a traditional publisher with many bestselling authors
Having lost my long-term agent to retirement, I was frustrated. I hired Mark and sent out a query he wrote for me, and I got wonderful replies. If you’re an author who wants to get an agent, Mark can help you find your way.
R O N . C U T L E R
Author of ten novels (some using a pseudonym) with Doubleday, Dell, Berkley, Dial, Avon, Fawcett, Jove, Pinnacle/Kensington, and Signet/NAL
Llewellyn said they want [my book] to be the “go-to” book in its category. When I got the contract, I said, “Okay, I can have a glass of wine.” Nothing’s real “til it’s real.” You’re very knowledgeable, practical, and helpful, Mark. You’re also very thoughtful—willing to invest sweat equity in the future of your clients. Thanks for your support.
J E A N N I E . R E E D
The Language of Tarot (Llewellyn Publishing)
Without your help, guidance, and expertise there’s no way I would have been able to land an agent. Even having worked in the film business for thirty years, I was out of my realm and overwhelmed.
A L E X . L A S K E R
Tears of the Sun starring Bruce Willis (Columbia Pictures), Beyond Rangoon starring Patricia Arquette (Castle Rock Entertainment), and Firefox starring Clint Eastwood (Warner Brothers), and the novel The Memory of an Elephant
- Elizabeth “Liz” Kracht with Kimberley Cameron & Associates
- Irene Kraas with Kraas Literary Agency
- Dean Krystek of WordLink USA
- Natalie Lakosil with Bradford Literary Agency
- Byrd Leavell with Waxman Leavell Literary Agency
- Paul Levine with The Paul S. Levine Literary Agency
- Robert H. Lieberman with Robert Lieberman Associates
- Al Longden with Albert T. Londen Associates
- Eric Lupfer at United Talent Agency/Fletcher & Co.
- Jennifer Lyons with the Jennifer Lyons Agency
- Chip MacGregor with MacGregor Literary
- Nena Madonia with Dupree Miller and Associates, Inc.
- Jill Marr with the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency
- Jill Marsal with Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
- Beth Marshea with Ladderbird Literary Agency
- Alice Martell with The Martell Agency
- Michele Martin with MDM Management
- Sharlene Martin with Martin Literary Management
- Shannon Marven with Dupree/Miller & Associates
- Shari Maurer with The Stringer Literary Agency
- Scott Mendel with Mendel Media
- Liseanne Miller with Global Lion
- Peter Miller with Global Lion
- Robin Mizell with Robin Mizell Ltd., Literary Representation
- Kristen Moeller with Waterside Productions
- Alan Morell with The Creative Management Agency
- Nancy Mosher with Raines & Raines
- Jen Nadol with The Unter Agency
- David Nelson with Waterside Productions
- Alan Nevins with Renaissance Literary & Talent
- Diane Nine with Nine Speakers, Inc.
- Emmy Nordstrom Higdon with the Rights Factory
- Anne Marie O’Farrell with Marcil-O’Farrell Literary
- Anna Olswanger with Olswanger Literary
- Molly O’Neil with Root Literary
- Coleen O’Shea with the Allen O’Shea Literary Agency
- Nena Madonia Oshman with The Nominate Group
- Gina Panettieri with Talcott Notch Literary
- Esmerantia Parnall-Gilbert with Gilbert Literary Agency
- Laura Pink with SBR Media
- Jenna Pocius with Red Fox Literary
- Janet Reid at New Leaf Literary and Media
- Chris Rogers with Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary
- Wendy Goldman Rohm with The Rohm Literary Agency
- Barb Roose with Books & Such
- Holly Root with Root Literary
- Adrienne Rosado with Stonesong Literary
- Janet Rosen with Sheree Bykofsky Associates
- Barbara Rosenberg with The Rosenberg Group
- Rita Rosenkranz with Rita Rosenkranz Literary Agency
- Andy Ross with the Andy Ross Agency
- Steve Ross with the Steve Ross Agency
- Regina Ryan with Regina Ryan Books Literary Agency
- Victoria Sanders with Victoria Sanders & Associates
- Katharine Sands with Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
- James Schiavone, Ed.D with Schiavone Literary Agency, Inc.
- Jeff Schmidt with NY Creative Management
- Susan Schulman with Susan Schulman Literary Agency
- Steve Schwartz with Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency
- Tina Schwartz with the Purcell Agency
- Charlie Serabian with Global Lion
- Mary Sue Seymour with The Seymour Agency
- Alec Shane with Writers House
- Camilla Shestopal with Shesto Literary
- Victoria Skurnick w/ Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency
- Lee Sobel with Lee Sobel Literary Agency
- Andrea Somberg with Harvey Klinger, Inc.
- Kaitlin Sooklal with The Rights Factory
- Adriana Stimola with Stimola Literary Studio
- Laura Strachan with Strachan Literary Agency
- Dan Strone with Trident Media Group
- Marianne Strong with the Marianne Strong Literary Agency
- Stephane Tade with the Stephanie Tade Agency
- Sabrina Taitz with WME
- Nikki Terpilowski with Holloway Literary
- Kristine Terrette with Martin Literary Management
- Teffanie Thompson with Falkin Literary
- Steve Troha with Folio Literary Management
- Liz Trupin-Pulli with Jet Literary
- Sergei Tsimberov with Anderson Literary Management
- Cindy Uh with Thompson Literary Agency
- Joseph Vallely with Swagger Literary
- Becky Vinter with Fine Print Lit
- Matt Wagner with Fresh Books Literary Agency
- Frank Weimann with Folio Literary Management
- Maria Whelan with Inkwell Management
- Annie Wilder with Annie Wilder Literary Agency
- Roger Williams w/ New England Publishing Associates
- John Willig with Literary Services, Inc.
- Rob Wilson with Wilson Media Agency
- Audrey Wolf with Wolf Literary Services
- Terrie Wolf with AKA Literary Management
- Laura Wood with FinePrint Literary Management
- Andrianna Yeatts with ICM
- Leslie York with Fredrica Friedman & Co.
- Laura Yorke with Laura Yorke Literary Services
- Cyle Young with Hartline Agency
- Helen Zimmerman w/ Helen Zimmermann Literary Agency
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authors we've helped get book agents and/or traditional publishers
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- The official Directory of Book Agents
- Our Author Training Library (text and audio archives)
- The Ask a Book Agent section of our website where you can read (and post) questions about publishing agents
- Our popular Book Genre Dictionary
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