Literary Agent Database

Use our free literary agent database to find all publishing agents seeking authors. You can search for literary agents by location, book genre, gender, AALA/AAR status, and more. You can also access our free author training library (print and audio) with insider advice and interviews about getting a book agent.
Created in 2011 by a former book agent–at no cost to authors–this comprehensive literary agent database is one of the most popular book agent directories available today. Writers of all book genres have used the Directory of Literary Agents to get top book agents, publishers, and book deals.

One of the main reasons authors fail to find book agents is they use literary agent directories that are incomplete or out of date. Getting an offer of representation from a publishing agent isn’t usually easy, but it’s much easier using a reliable literary agent database.
The Directory of Literary Agents – Features
The Directory of Literary Agents is the easiest book agent database to navigate and use. It’s also the most comprehensive, and it includes more features than any other literary agent database we are aware of. Here are some things you will find in the literary agents directory.
All Book Agents Seeking Authors – Literary Agent Database
Our book agent database is comprehensive, with information about more than 1,100 publishing agents. The Directory of Literary Agents includes all book agents in the United States, looking for authors of all book genres.
Bios – Literary AgenCY Database
Our literary agent directory includes detailed bios for all book agents seeking authors. Looking at publishing agent bios and the book genres they are interested in will make it easier to find the right author representative for your book.
Permitted Submission Method(s) – Literary Agents Database
Most literary agencies accept email query submissions. However, many now use online forms, and some require postal mail submissions. The Directory of Literary Agents reveals each book agent’s preferred submission method(s).
AALA/AAR Status – Literary Agent Database
Our literary agency directory reveals which publishing agents are members of the Association of American Literary Agents (AALA), formerly known as the Association of Authors’ Representatives (AAR).
Contact Info – Literary Agency Database
For every publishing agent who allows email query submissions, you’ll find the correct email address to use in the The Directory of Literary Agents. You’ll also find the correct physical mailing address for literary agencies who require postal mail submissions.
Website Links – Literary Agents Database
Inside our literary agents directory you’ll see direct links to every literary agency website. That way, if you want to find more information about a particular publishing agent–or if you need to fill out their online form–you’ll be able to find what you need quickly.
Social Media – Literary Agent Database
You don’t need to look at the social media accounts of literary agents you want to research or query. Howver, if you want to visit a book agent’s Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook account you can do so directly from The Directory of Literary Agents.
Photos – Literary Agents Database
In addition to book agent bios, preferred submission methods, contact info, AALA/AAR status, website links, and social media links, The Directory of Literary Agents includes publishing agent photos. It is the only book agent database or directory that does so.
Get Free Access – Enter the Literary Agent Database
Get free access to The Directory of Literary Agents here. As soon as you enter your first name and email address, you’ll get instant access. You’ll also get access to our author training library (PDF and audio), and our author insider newsletter (easy to unsubscribe at any time, we don’t spam).

How I Got My Book Agent
Successful Authors
Interviews/Tips from Successful Authors
Fiction/General - J. Jago
Fiction/Mystery - B. Harper
Fiction/Mainstream - K. Cox
Fiction/Christian - K. Sargent
Nonfiction/Business - D. Hamme
Nonfiction/Self-Help - A. Goddard
Nonfiction/Environment - J. Biemer
Nonfiction/Diversity - S. Peer
Narrative Nonfiction - D. Cohen
Memoir/Women - L. Lehr
Memoir/Christian - S. LeRette
Memoir/Family/Identity - S. Foti
Memoir/Multicultural - N. Aronheim
Memoir/Inspirational - L. Subramani
Memoir/Mainstream - E. Armstrong
Children's/Pic Book - M. Leshem-Pelly
Children's/Chapter Book - J. Agee
Children's/YA - C. Plum-Ucci
Children's/YA - D. Bester
Children's/YA - L. Moe

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authors we've helped get book agents and/or traditional publishers
getting a literary agent just got easier
How To Get a Book Agent
This step-by-step guide about how to get a literary agent includes all you need to know about finding a book agent.
This guide to getting a literary agent was written by a former book agent who's helped more than 300 authors of all book genres get offers from literary agents and/or traditional book publishers.
Writers have called this guide to getting a book agent the most comprehensive resource on the topic--and the most concise, current, and easy to use.