This step-by-step, 15-part guide about getting a literary agent explains how to get a literary agent. It reveals the role of book agents, the chances of getting a book agent, how to find book agents, and what authors need to know about book agent submissions. It also reveals what happens after you get a publishing agent.

The information in this guide about how to get a publishing agent has helped authors of all book genres–fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books–get publishing agents and book deals. Click here to see How I Got My Literary Agent case studies. Authors at all stages of development, both new and established writers, in the U.S. and abroad, have used this guide to get literary agents.
Notable writers we’ve coached and consulted include Nelson Johnson, author of the NY Times bestselling book Boardwalk Empire, adapted for HBO and produced by Martin Scorsese; Scott LeRette, author of The Unbreakable Boy (Harper Collins/Thomas Nelson), adapted for feature film with Lionsgate Entertainment starring Zachary Levi and Patricia Heaton; and Leslie Lehr, author of A Boob’s Life, now being developed by Salma Hayek for an HBO Max TV series.
How to Get a Literary Agent – FAQ
- What Is a Book Agent?
- When Should You Get a Book Agent?
- Odds of Getting a Book Agent?
- How Long Does It Take to Get a Book Agent?
- How Much Does a Book Agent Cost?
- How Much Do Authors Make?
- Becoming a Literary Agent
- How to Find a Literary Agent
- Literary Agent Submissions
- How to Get a Book Agent for Fiction
- How to Get a Book Agent for Nonfiction
- How to Get a Book Agent for Children’s Books
- Getting a Book Agent after Self-Publishing
- Offer of Representation From a Book Agent
- What Happens After You Get a Book Agent?

1. What Is a Literary Agent?
Literary agents (also known as “book agents,” “publishing agents,” and “author representatives”) are essentially matchmakers who pair authors and their books with traditional publishers. Literary agents represent authors of all genres or categories: fiction books, nonfiction books, and children’s books. However, what book agents do also varies.
See more about what publishing agents do, how they work, and who they are at What Is a Literary Agent? in this how to get a literary agent guide.
2. When Should You Get a Book Agent?
Working with a publishing agent gives an author the best chance of reaching the biggest audience. Authors who want their books published by traditional publishers such as Random House, Scholastic, or Thomas Nelson need to know how to get a literary agent. Major publishers require all books be submitted via literary agents.
See more at When Should You Get a Book Agent?
3. Odds of Getting a Literary Agent?
The odds of getting a literary agent are 1 in 6,000. However, there are many things aspiring authors can do to increase their chances of getting a book agent. Book authors who are willing to get educated and do what it takes can give themselves a competitive advantage.
See more here about the Odds of Getting a Literary Agent, and see how you can increase your chances of getting representation.
4. How Long Does It Take to Get a Book Agent?
How long it takes to get a publishing agent depends on two things. First is the time it takes a book author to prepare everything needed to query publishing agents. Second is the time it takes an author to send out enough queries to get an offer for representation.
The time it takes to send out enough queries to get an offer(s) for representation is easy to calculate. The steps involved are the same for every author. No matter what type of books you write, you can get a book agent in 30 days or less–or it can take up to a year or longer. In most cases, it takes longer than one month. However, there’s no reason for it to take longer than a year to query every publishing agent who represents your type of book.
See more at How Long Does It Take to Get a Book Agent?
5. How Much Does a Literary Agent Cost?
Legitimate book agents only get paid via literary agent commission. In other words, publishing agents only make money when their authors make money. Most author representatives don’t charge additional fees, except sometimes a small amount deducted from author royalties to cover phone, photocopying, courier costs, etc.
See more at How Much Does a Literary Agent Cost?
7. Becoming a Literary Agent
Becoming a literary agent requires a great deal of book knowledge, as well as relationships with publishers who buy books. It also requires learning on the job via serving as a book agent reader, publishing agent intern, literary agent assistant, and/or literary agent associate.
See more at How to Become a Literary Agent.
8. How to Find a Literary Agent
Finding a publishing agent is a two-step process. The first step is understanding what to look for in a book agent, based on your unique situation. The second step is learning the best way to research publishing agents so you can find the most successful literary agents, who are the most likely to represent your type of book.
See more at How to Find a Literary Agent.
9. Literary Agent Submissions
Before you submit your book to literary agents, make sure you follow these guidelines about what to submit and how to submit it. You also need to know how many book agents to query, the best times to submit, how long to wait to hear back, how to follow up, how to interpret rejections letters, and how to revise and resubmit.
See more at Literary Agent Submissions.
10. How to Get a Literary Agent for Fiction
Guidelines about how to get a publishing agent for fiction are different than guidelines about how to get a publishing agent for nonfiction or children’s books. Novelists seeking book agents must follow the appropriate fiction submission requirements, and they must only query fiction literary agents seeking new writers.
See more at How to Get a Book Agent for Fiction.
11. How to Get a Literary Agent for Nonfiction
Guidelines about how to get an author representative for a nonfiction book are different than guidelines about how to get an author representative for fiction or kids’ books. Nonfiction authors must categorize their books correctly, but they must also adhere to each literary agent’s unique submission and author platform requirements.
See more at How to Get a Book Agent for Nonfiction.
12. How to Get a Literary Agent for Children’s Books
Guidelines about how to get a publishing agent for kids’ books are different than guidelines about how to get a publishing agent for adult fiction or nonfiction. Children’s book authors must be aware of special considerations regarding word count, age appropriateness, submission material, and book genre classifications.
See more at How to Get a Publishing Agent for Children’s Books.
13. Getting a Literary Agent After Self-Publishing
Getting a book agent after self-publishing is possible, though some author representatives refuse to consider previously published books. It is more challenging to get literary agents for previously self-published books, but not impossible. In fact, some book agents specialize in finding publishers for self-published books.
See more at Getting a Literary Agent After Self-Publishing.
14. Offer of Representation from a Literary Agent
When you get an offer of representation from a publishing agent, you need to prepare for your first meeting. You also need to prepare for the possibility of getting multiple offers. You need to know which questions to ask, prepare to answer questions you’ll be asked, and prepare to review your literary agent contract.
See more at Offer of Representation from a Literary Agent.
15. What Happens After You Get a publishing Agent?
Understanding what happens after you get a book agent is as important as learning how to get a book agent. Not all author representatives handle the author/agent relationship the same way. Follow these guidelines to create a positive and productive relationship with your book agent.
See more at What Happens After You Get a Book Agent?
This guide about how to get a literary agent was created by former publishing agent turned author coach Mark Malatesta, creator of The Directory of Literary Agents, host of Ask a Book Agent, and founder of Literary Agent Undercover and The Bestselling Author.
Mark has helped hundreds of writers get offers from book agents and/or traditional publishers. Authors of all Book Genres have used our Literary Agent Advice coaching/consulting to get the Best Literary Agents at the Top Literary Agencies on our List of Literary Agents.
How to Get a Literary Agent – Next Steps
Now that you’ve read the introduction to our 15-part guide about how to get a literary agent:
- Click here to see the first part of this guide to getting a book agent called What Is a Literary Agent?
- Scroll below to submit your question about how to get a book publishing agent.
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How to Get a Literary Agent
If you have a question about how to get a literary agent that isn’t answered on our website, post it below. Visit our Ask a Literary Agent page first to make sure your question isn’t answered there.
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Hi Mark
I hope this reaches you.
I have a couple of questions, and at their conclusion, I will provide you with valuable (and easy-to-implement) advice. (I have been a writer, mostly in advertising, for my entire career. The man who hired me at JWT, NYC, was James Patterson. I understand brands.)
First, my questions.
A consultation with you is, sadly, a considered purchase for me. My first question is about upsells. What am I potentially looking at? I am fund-challenged. You have an impressive online presence and platform and you’re not funding that on $297/hour fees.
I listened to your recording for its entirety and point 4 of the query letter worries me. “Marketing and promotion.” People used to ask, “How much does it cost to make a commercial?” The answer was, “How long is a piece of string?”
But I do want to talk to you. I have chosen to pursue the traditional publisher route. I did self-publish a novel once and have the ashes of burned money to prove it.
I think I have something. Everybody thinks that, right? But I have spent my career in creative advertising and have a pretty good feel for when I have something and when not. I am the guy who wrote, created and produced the only spot Tom Waits ever did. Won a Cannes Lion.
I am not arrogant. Quite the opposite. But I am a bulldog when I have something worth fighting for. I was a good New Yorker, especially for a Canadian. And I can be funny. Often on purpose. There was a time when I could not leave an agency’s new business presentation without someone saying, “Has anyone ever told you that you remind them of Robin William?” He was mistaken for me once in LA.
So Mark, here is my ad guy’s advice to you: one small thing, one not.
1. Small thing: you have a bunch of mic clicks in your recording. If it’s not a big deal, I’d fix them.
2. Bigger deal: this may seem like nothing but it isn’t. Your site © says 2011-2024. I’d fix that. It’s a credibility thing.
If you think we should talk, I suggest the beginning of April. That gives me the 30-day-ish time to craft a query letter for us to discuss, among other things.
We all need goals. My goal is to beat your 4-minute query letter response time.
Hi William,
No issue with you doing just one call. That’s what most people do. I’ve done more than 3,000 at this point, and I have it down. If all you do is that, it will move you forward in a way that you shouldn’t be conflicted about not doing more with me, if that’s how it goes. Fees beyond the first call vary. Re: platform, that’s only important if your book is nonfiction. Less so if memoir.
Also, thank you for the notes. I’ll be addressing both.
If you want/need help with anything else, you can post here at
I’ll do what I can to point you in the right direction.
All my best,
– Mark
Mark Malatesta
The Bestselling Author
Literary Agent Undercover
I am a new fictional writer. I would like to know ho do I find a literary agent and publisher to publish my book.
Thank You,
Hi Sid,
I’m happy to help.
Here are my resources to help you get a literary agent:
How to Get a Literary Agent (NEW 15-Part Guide)
Literary Agent Database (Directory of Literary Agents)
Literary Agent Advice (1-on-1 Coaching/Consulting)
If you want/need help with anything else, you can post here at
I’ll do what I can to point you in the right direction.
All my best,
– Mark
Mark Malatesta
The Bestselling Author
Literary Agent Undercover
My script is about gun violence victims, their suffering and battle to get justice. This story provides a new hope to prevent gun massacre. It is a social-political-legal drama where the lead role is a woman.
I am not sure about the specific genre for this story. How could I get a fiction book agent for my story.
Could you please help me so that this story reaches millions of American residents who are still suffering from this gun violence epidemic.
Hi Sam,
Nice to meet you, and I’m happy to help somehow if possible.
Here are my resources to help you get a literary agent:
How to Get a Literary Agent (NEW 15-Part Guide)
Literary Agent Database (Directory of Literary Agents)
Literary Agent Advice (1-on-1 Coaching/Consulting)
If you want/need help with anything else, you can post here at
I’ll do what I can to point you in the right direction.
All my best,
– Mark
Mark Malatesta
The Bestselling Author
Literary Agent Undercover
My books are about Analytical Psychology, where do I submit to find an agent in that field?
Hi Lefty,
I’m happy to help.
Agents who want nonfiction psychology books.
Here are my resources to help you get a literary agent, which includes a directory of literary agents:
How to Get a Literary Agent (NEW 15-Part Guide)
Literary Agent Database (Directory of Literary Agents)
Literary Agent Advice (1-on-1 Coaching/Consulting)
If you want/need help with anything else, you can post here at
I’ll do what I can to point you in the right direction.
All my best,
– Mark
Mark Malatesta
The Bestselling Author
Literary Agent Undercover